Drawn between silence/sound, d. haejin bang’s transdisciplinary and community work is currently based within occupied Tongva land (otherwise known as Los Angeles) and corea. Born and raised in Koreatown, LA, their explorations revolve around the voice, body, and Silence. Their main focus underlines gaps and the interjacent: How can we…
My Mother always told me stories. I began telling stories formally when I was in high school in Chicago (St. Ignatius) in the 60’s, stories of Africa and the struggles of African-Americans for freedom. In 1992 I met Joel ben Izzy from Berkeley, CA who was introduced to me as…
Nobuko Fukatsu is a Biwa (Japanese lute) player based in Los Angeles, California.  Born in Japan, she started to study Satsuma-biwa under the prominent biwa musician Yoshiko Sakata in 2005.  After moving to the Los Angeles area, she started to perform at various cultural gatherings, festivals and educational settings, as well as…
Hmong Dance
Persian Traditional Music, Tar
African Threadwrapping
Korean Gayageum Sanjo
Traditional Korean Dance
Aztec Peg-drum Making
Afro-Peruvian Experience