Black Women's Blues Festival
Native American Comedy
Cambodian Classical and Folk Dances
Carnatic Vocal Music
Korean Pansori
Interdisciplinary Performance Works
Over-articulated and barely translated, Gbedu Town Radio tells dynamic stories for the culture. Led by Artistic Director, Nkeiruka Oruche, and featuring a dynamic group of performers, GTR explores social and political themes through Pan Afro-Urban music and dance including Afrobeats, Dancehall, Coupé-Décalé & varieties of Hip hop. Gbedu Town Radio…
Fode Sissoko is the grandson of the king of the kora, Soundioulou Cissokho, of Senegal. Sissoko, who carries on that ancestral wisdom in Los Angeles, has been playing the kora instrument, and other Mande instruments for over 40 years. He has toured globally with renowned companies including Ballet Bugarabu and with…
Amelia Butler is an indigenous Māori woman of Ngātiwai, Ngāti Awa and Ngāpuhi descent. She attended Kōhanga Reo (Māori language preschool) at a young age and grew up in Auckland, New Zealand. Amelia studied Māori by correspondence at secondary school and led her school’s kapa haka (traditional Māori performance) group.
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