Son Fandango is a traditional music group from southern Veracruz, Mexico. This group was formed in the Bay Area by Claudio Vega and Lolis García. The son jarocho they perform is a mix of the countryside and the city. Claudio’s main project is to invite renowned traditional son jarocho musicians…
Thai martial blessing dances
Son del Sereno is a son jarocho collective using the cultural practice of fandango to build community. They are based at the Eastside Cafe in Los Angeles. Living Cultures Grant 2023 “Sembrando Amapolas: Music, Culture & Community of Son Jarocho in California”…
Rabbi Naomi Steinberg serves Temple Beth El in Eureka, California and B’nai Ha-Aretz in Redway, California. Living Cultures Grant 2023 Documentation of Six Original Tales in the Jewish Mystical Tradition…
Dancer, musician, storyteller
Kumeyaay Community College is a public community college in California. Established in 2004 by the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation, it is located on the Sycuan Indian Reservation near El Cajon. Living Cultures Grant 2023 Kumeyaay Community College Summer Solstice Week…
I am a featherman (regalia maker). I specialize in dance regalia of the Wintu, Maidu, and associated tribes. I have been active in dance and ceremony for 30 years and have been an active maker for 20 years. I come from the Nomtipom wintu of Northern California. I am of…
The Fund for Resource Conservation, under the umbrella of the Ventura County Resource Conservation District, serves as an administrator for traditional Chumash art forms in Ventura County. Their focus is on land conservation and resource preservation, recognizing art as a tool for cultural preservation and connection to the land. Through…