Japanese Taiko
Orisha practitioners throughout the Yoruba diaspora have prepared special foods for ceremony and offerings to the Orishas. This tradition, cooking for the Orisha and ancestors, is based on utilizing specific ingredients and ways of preparing foods and meals, which has been passed on from generation to generation. The Alashe is…
South Indian Classical Carnatic music is one of the oldest systems of music in the world. The violin found position in the Carnatic form within the last 300 years. The Lalgudi system of playing the violin is very advanced and is popular for its ability to mimic vocal music. Largely…
The Croatian bagpipe or gajde is a common instrument in Croatian traditional music in Hungary. It is an ancient instrument with a large repertoire and several distinctive styles of playing, determined largely by the geographical/regional location of the musician. The instrument is constructed by various parts, the bag, which is…
Hayashi is a traditional Japanese percussion ensemble.  Originating in Noh theater in the 14th century, hayashi also plays an important part in Kabuki theater.  The core hayashi instruments are the kotsuzumi (a shoulder drum that produces low sounds), the okawa (a hand drum that makes very high sounds), and the…
Kumeyaay tribal songs
Vietnamese dan tranh
Northern Sierra Mewuk Basketry
Cambodian Classical Dance