July 26, 2016

Sustain Arts Bay Area is an easy-to-use online tool tailored to meet the needs of arts administrators, arts funders, cultural policy makers, and individual artists in the Bay Area. At bayarea.sustainarts.org, users can find data on local cultural organizations, track funding connections between funders and grantees, view audience participation and demographics by zip code and discipline, and explore key findings that highlight striking trends in the Bay Area arts sector. All resources are FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.


Sustain Arts is a national organization with ambition to make information accessible to all. Would you like to know if a particular funder is interested in traditional arts and social justice, for example? You can learn this information here. Do you want to know the demographics of certain audiences or neighborhoods to help you with your grant-writing or programmatic design? This is the kind of use that Sustain Arts is aggregating from a number of sources like the U.S. Census Bureau as well as social media platforms to suggest who consumes and creates art in order to give you data.

Bay Area Sustain Arts has a number of regional partners. ACTA’s contribution has been to make sure that traditional arts communities and organizations are included in this information. You can go into the site in order to tag your organization as a traditional arts organization so that other funders and practitioners know the scope of your work. We hope to see this exciting new venture expand to other communities to represent cultural practices in its full potential.

DOWNLOAD info sheet in .pdf HERE


Introduction to Sustain Arts/Bay Area

Arts and culture organizations increasingly rely on data for critical fundraising, strategic planning, marketing, partnership development, and general operating activity; yet obtaining high-quality data can be prohibitively expensive, time-consuming and challenging, particularly for small to mid- sized organizations with constrained resources. Sustain Arts seeks to level the playing field in terms of equity of access to data by providing free and easy-to-use online cultural data resources to the public.

Sustain Arts/Bay Area is new online tool tailored to meet the needs of the Bay Area artists, arts administrators, funders, and cultural policy makers (including those in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties). The Sustain Arts interactive web platform brings together an extraordinary universe of data on arts funding and audience participation in both for-profit and nonprofit arts activity across a range of disciplines including traditional arts, visual arts, theatre, dance, music, film, electronic media, literary arts, and the humanities. All resources are free and easy-to-use.

At sustainarts.org/bayarea users can:

  • Track funding connections between over 400 funders and hundreds of grantees to identify potential funders and visualize the Bay Area granting landscape
  • Locate participants in seven different disciplines across the 11 counties, and zoom in on specific zip codes to see estimated and actual participation statistics
  • Search arts organizations using an index of over 2,100 nonprofits and 11,600 businesses and filter results by geography, discipline, budget size, and thematic tags such as traditional arts
  • Find partners and collaborators with advanced search features that identify organizations like yours and locate cultural entities in your neighborhood
  • Explore key learnings that summarize research finding and highlight striking regional trends



Register online to claim, edit, and tag information on your organization.

The Sustain Arts Bay Area platform is constantly evolving. Make sure your organizational information is up to date by registering online. In less than 5 minutes you can add or edit data including mission statement, organization type, discipline, and address. Mark yourself with the “traditional arts” tag so funders and other users can find you easily.

Have questions or comments? The Sustain Arts team would love to hear from you! Email Sustain Arts Communications Specialist, Kelly Varian, at kellyvarian@gmail.com.