Master Korean folk dancer DaEun Jung (R) with her 2019 ACTA apprentice Melody Shim. Photo: S. Saraswat/ACTA.

ACTA’s Annual Report: 2018 – 19

California is at the forefront of the country’s shift toward racial and ethnic plurality. We hold the key to breaking the race-based discrimination, injustice, and bigotry that has infected our democracy. The culture-bearers of our state are leading the way in reimagining a country that embodies multiplicity, equity, and mutual respect.

For the past 22 years, ACTA has been supporting the work of artists and organizations who engage with the transformative and restorative impact of collective traditions in their communities. Learn more in our annual report, which celebrates our accomplishments in fiscal year 2018 – 19. Through stories, photos, and graphics, you will explore the extraordinary work that tells us what it means to be human.

It is a testament to the power of ACTA, as well as the visionary funders who make our work possible.

Flip through the report below, or click here to download.

Invest in California’s cultural wealth.

Every gift is a commitment to a culture bearer, and the people of California.