October 14, 2012

The NEA is celebrating Arts and Humanities month by inviting the public to nominate an arts/culture organization in their community to be highlighted on the NEA Facebook page between October 1-31.  Each day’s featured organization will be selected by members of the NEA Public Affairs staff.

ACTA encourages you to participate by nominating your favorite traditional arts organization.  Help us ensure all the great traditional organizations that we know and love (and the artists they work with!) are represented!

Who Can Be Nominated? 

Any arts or culture organization.  (No self nominations please.)

How Do I Make a Nomination?  

Just drop an email to beetep@arts.gov indicating:

     ·  “NAHM Nomination” in the email subject line
     ·  Your name and the name of your community
     ·  The name of the organization you’re nominating and its website URL
     ·  Five words that best describe the organization you’re nominating
     ·  A description of why you think this organization deserves to be in the spotlight (100

How Do I Find Out If An Organization I’ve Nominated has been Selected?

Like the National Endowment for the Arts on Facebook and check their page each day in October to see who’s in the spotlight.